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M. Sc. Lukas Sanner

drawing βœ‰οΈ l.sanner@gmx.de
🌐 linked.in/lukas-sanner

Open minded, enthusiastic about continuous learning and data. Working autonomously and always looking for new challenges.


Jarvis Voice Assistant

I always wanted to have some smart assistant but it is way more fun to create one yourself but buying a Alexa or what so ever. So, here is my attempthttps://t.co/woznaRzEAQ pic.twitter.com/sojlBb3RkY

β€” Sanner (@scanner_c) July 12, 2020

Diffusion Hackathon 2019

Had fun last weekend at #diffusion2019 with @cybertreiber experimenting with encrypted machine learning #crypten and actually contributing to it. Also won a small price from @oceanprotocol.https://t.co/0DeQ9AMZAV

β€” Sanner (@scanner_c) October 26, 2019

Magic Wand Annoation Tool

Everyone needs faster annotation for #ComputerVision tasks, that's why we have a deeply learned magic wand in the making! Read about the first version here by @LukasSanner https://t.co/qUNudeaiUI

β€” Alexander Hirner (@cybertreiber) April 10, 2019

Zeiss Hackathon 2019

drawing 4th place at ZEISShack2019 with a photomask defect detection method


Automation Hackathon 2018

Platz 2 beim #automationhackathon 2018 @spsipcdrives - unser Team vom #StartUp MoonVision aus Wien.
Aber was genau haben sie eigentlich gehackt? Die Antwort spΓ€ter πŸ€“πŸ˜Š #PLCnext #sps_live pic.twitter.com/yq4wltslkR

β€” Phoenix Contact DE (@PhoenixContactV) November 27, 2018

Curriculum Vitae

Work Experience


The Moonvision GmbH, Vienna

Implemented a tool to reproduce and compare DL trainings easily with different hyper parameters, introduced an active learning workflow by prediction uncertainty (with pending patent application), successfully managed projects with leading customers in the industry, supervisor for interns. (Python: opencv, pytorch, numpy, prefect)

06.2020 - present Head of Computer Vision Solutions
Designing and implementing a scalable infrastructure for DL training and evaluation and customer project lead
10.2018 - 05.2020 Research Engineer
Researching, implementing and testing newest CV papers and algorithms


Adobe Systems Engineering GmbH, Hamburg

Developed a tool to enable automatic equalizer settings for podcasts using deep learning

11.2017 - 03.2018 Intern - Computer Scientist
Research for DL techniques to improve sound, thereby developed own CNN model with Tensorflow, C++ implementations of signal processing algorithms (C++: boost, Intel MKL, Python: Librosa, TensorFlow, Caffe)



Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg

Focus on numerical linear Algebra and ordinary differential equations, especially eigenvalue algorithms on large (sparse/dense) symmetric positive semidefinite matrices. (Matlab, Python: FEniCS, Numpy)

04.2016 - 08.2018 Maser of Science, Applied Mathematics
Thesis Comparison of Eigenvalue Algorithms for the Graph Laplacian with Application to Semi-Supervised Learning
10.2011 - 04.2016 Bachelor of Science, Mathematics
Thesis Vorkonditionierung der instationaeren Navier-Stokes Gleichung

Private Interests

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Coding Project Euler (Rust, C++), refactoring of bachelor thesis (Python), rewriting master thesis (C++), Maker: LED micro controller (C)

🎺 Music learning contrabass, playing trumpet, electric-guitar and -bass

πŸ§— Sports bouldering, running

πŸ“Έ Interests photography, hiking, espresso

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Β© Lukas Sanner, 2020